API Reference


Python module for the [SparkFun Qwiic Proximity Sensor Breakout](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15177)

This python package is a port of the existing [SparkFun VCNL4040 Proximity Sensor Arduino Library](https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_VCNL4040_Arduino_Library)

This package can be used in conjunction with the overall [SparkFun qwiic Python Package](https://github.com/sparkfun/Qwiic_Py)

New to qwiic? Take a look at the entire [SparkFun qwiic ecosystem](https://www.sparkfun.com/qwiic).

class qwiic_proximity.QwiicProximity(address=None, i2c_driver=None)[source]
  • address – The I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the default address is used.
  • i2c_driver – An existing i2c driver object. If not provided a driver object is created.

The Proximity device object.

Return type:



Read the Ambient light value

Returns:The current ambient value value
Return type:integer

Initialize the operation of the Proximity module

Returns:Returns true of the initializtion was successful, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Determine if a Proximity device is conntected to the system..

Returns:True if the device is connected, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Disable active force mode

Returns:No return value

Disable Ambient Interrupts

Returns:No return value

Disable the proximity detection logic output mode

Returns:No return value

Disable smart persistance

Returns:No return value

Disable the white measurement channel

Returns:No return value

Enable active force mode An extreme power saving way to use PS is to apply PS active force mode. Anytime host would like to request one proximity measurement, enable the active force mode. This triggers a single PS measurement, which can be read from the PS result registers. VCNL4040 stays in standby mode constantly.

Returns:No return value

Enable Ambient Interrupts

Returns:No return value

Enable the proximity detection logic output mode When this mode is selected, the INT pin is pulled low when an object is close to the sensor (value is above high threshold) and is reset to high when the object moves away (value is below low threshold). Register: PS_THDH / PS_THDL define where these threshold levels are set.

Returns:No return value

Enable smart persistance To accelerate the PS response time, smart persistence prevents the misjudgment of proximity sensing but also keeps a fast response time.

Returns:No return value

Enable the white measurement channel

Returns:No return value

Read the Ambient light value

Returns:The current ambient value value
Return type:integer

Read the sensor ID

Returns:The sensor ID
Return type:integer

Get the current proximity value

Returns:The current proximity value
Return type:integer

Read the White light value

Returns:The current white value value
Return type:integer

Returns true if the prox value drops below the lower threshold

Returns:True if away
Return type:boolean

Returns true if the prox value rises above the upper threshold

Returns:True if close
Return type:boolean

Determine if a Proximity device is conntected to the system..

Returns:True if the device is connected, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Returns true if the prox value drops below the lower threshold

Returns:True if dark
Return type:boolean

Returns true if the prox value rises above the upper threshold

Returns:True if value light
Return type:boolean

Power off the ambient light sensing portion of the sensor

Returns:No return value

Power off the prox sensing portion of the device

Returns:No return value

Power on the ambient light sensing portion of the sensor

Returns:No return value

Power on the prox sensing portion of the device

Returns:No return value

Get the current proximity value

Returns:The current proximity value
Return type:integer

Read the sensor ID

Returns:The sensor ID
Return type:integer

Value that ALS must go above to trigger an interrupt

Parameters:threshold – the new trigger threshold value for ALS
Returns:No return value

Value that ALS must go below to trigger an interrupt

Parameters:threshold – the new trigger threshold value for ALS
Returns:No return value

Sets the integration time for the ambient light sensor

Parameters:timeValue – The integration time
Returns:No return value

Set the Ambient interrupt persistance value The ALS persistence function (ALS_PERS, 1, 2, 4, 8) helps to avoid false trigger of the ALS INT. It defines the amount of consecutive hits needed in order for a ALS interrupt event to be triggered.

Parameters:persValue – The ambiant interrupt persistance value
Returns:No return value

Set the duty cycle of the IR LED. The higher the duty ratio, the faster the response time achieved with higher power consumption. For example, PS_Duty = 1/320, peak IRED current = 100 mA, averaged current consumption is 100 mA/320 = 0.3125 mA.

Parameters:dutyValue – The duty cycle value for the IR LED on the sensor
Returns:No return value

Set the IR LED sink current to one of 8 settings

Parameters:currentValue – The new current value. Valid values are VCNL4040_LED_50MA thru VCNL4040_LED_200MA at 25MA increments
Returns:No return value

Set the proximity sensing cancelation value - helps reduce cross talk with ambient light

Parameters:cancelValue – the new cancelation value
Returns:No return value

Value that Proximity Sensing must go above to trigger an interrupt

Parameters:threshold – The new Proximity High Value
Returns:No return value

Sets the integration time for the proximity sensor

Parameters:timeValue – The integration time
Returns:No return value

Set the Prox interrupt persistance value The PS persistence function (PS_PERS, 1, 2, 3, 4) helps to avoid false trigger of the PS INT. It defines the amount of consecutive hits needed in order for a PS interrupt event to be triggered.

Parameters:persValue – The persistance value
Returns:No return value

Sets the proximity interrupt type

Parameters:interruptValue – The interupt type
Returns:No return value

Value that Proximity Sensing must go below to trigger an interrupt

Parameters:threshold – The new Proximity Low Value
Returns:No return value

Sets the proximity resolution

Parameters:resolutionValue – The resolution time
Returns:No return value

Set trigger bit so sensor takes a force mode measurement and returns to standby

Returns:No return value

Read the White light value

Returns:The current white value value
Return type:integer